The Project of a Nonstandard Mineral Vocabulary Dictionary




nonstandard mineral vocabulary; gemstone names; Middle Urals; lexicography; explanatory dictionary.


The article discusses in detail the possibilities for lexicographic description of nonstandard mineral vocabulary, i. e. those names of minerals, colloid minerals, geological materials and related objects and phenomena that do not fall under official international mineralogical terminology. The author is developing a project of an explanatory dictionary based on field materials from the card index on stone vocabulary, toponymy and ethnography (the index is created by the staff of the Department of Russian Language, General Linguistics and Verbal Communication, Ural Federal University). The material was collected in 2019–2023 during expeditions in the Middle and South Urals. It was gathered through interviews with geologists, stonecutters, jewellers, and other groups of stone lovers. The article describes the advantages of the explanatory dictionary as the type of dictionary appropriate for the vocabulary in question, explains the objectives of the dictionary and special aspects of material selection, describes the dictionary contents and the structure of dictionary entries, provides sample entries. These are devoted to the following thematic groups: ‘low-quality mineral, non-precious mineral’, ‘imitative, artificial mineral’, ‘non-productive, barren lode’. Special attention in the dictionary entries is paid to motivational and etymological data. The article appears to be an important contribution to lexicography and to the study of the new, little-explored vocabulary layer. The card index will further be supplemented. It is hoped that the nonstandard mineral vocabulary dictionary will be published and prove to be useful both for specialists (linguists and geologists) and for the general reader, currently having poor access to verified academic information on stone vocabulary.

Author Biography

Sergey V. Zhuzhgov, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Russian Language, General Linguistics and Verbal Communication


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How to Cite

Zhuzhgov С. В. . (2023). The Project of a Nonstandard Mineral Vocabulary Dictionary. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 15(2).

