



scientific text, cognitive interest, cognitive-discourse-stylistic approach to text, episte¬mic situation as a sense unit of text, mild assessment of scientific text content.


The article discusses conditions of productive research in stylistics of scientific text that may be considered truisms for young scientists. In the first place, it is an interest in scientific thinking as a psychological factor for successful learning; the role of this interest is represented in the paper in the framework of discourse context of research. A particular attention is paid to representation of text content – scientific knowledge, which is considered to be an epistemic situation covering the ontological essence of reality under research, methodological aspects of accomplished results, axiological aspects of knowledge in terms of its relevance and reliability in a broader epistemic context. The notion of epistemic situation is used as a model in two cases: 1) concerning the whole scientific knowledge, 2) concerning the actual scientific knowledge presented in a text. The significance of methodological aspects of epistemic situation is primarily associated with the general approach to a research object, namely the cognitive-discourse-stylistic approach to scientific text. The ontological essence of epistemic situation is represented in scientific text as a complex of terminological notions – initial, basic, and specializing ones. These notions form an information density of a text. The axiological aspects are represented as a mild approach to assessing epistemic situation. This approach implies combination of a narrow and a broad view on text formation and perception.

Author Biography

Мария Павловна Котюрова (Maria P. Kotyurova), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of Russian Language and Stylistics


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How to Cite

Котюрова (Maria P. Kotyurova) М. П. (2020). DISCOURSE ‘TRAPS’ OR TRUISMS OF STYLISTICS. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2020-1-34-44

