эдвардианство, Антония Байетт, «Детская книга», Движение Искусств и Ремесел, социальный идеал в английской литературе, неоэдвардианство.Abstract
The article considers the references of modern authors to the traditions of Edwardianism. This period can be characterized as a vibrant cultural era, with writers who were determined to break away from the stifling influence of preceding Victorian literature and provided the cultural foundation for the coming century. The ‘Edwardian code’ fully developed in literature of the interwar decades (1920s–1930s) and revived in the early 21st century. It includes such elements as the image of the manor house, the motifs of Arts & Crafts movement, the theme of childhood and associated themes of the English fairy tale, which went through its ‘golden age’ in the abovenamed period. The code also comprises motifs of social change and other related issues. All parts of the Edwardian code are found in A. Byatt’s novel Childhood`s Book (2009). The novel covers the period from 1895 to the end of the Great War. It represents a tangle of many fates, each of which is concerned with the conflicts of the era and the general atmosphere of the Edwardian time. The characters are united by the desire to formulate a clear goal of their existence and specific personal qualities determined by the artistry of the era. In the 21st century, the ‘Edwardian code’ is found in non-fiction literature, in TV series and in the aspiration of the national consciousness to the value orientations of Edwardianism. A typical example is J. Nicolson’s The Perfect Summer: England 1911, Just Before the Storm (2008). The Perfect Summer chronicles a glorious English summer a century ago, when the world was on the cusp of irrevocable change. Through the tight lens of four months, Juliet Nicolson’s rich storytelling gift rivets us with the sights, colors, and feelings of the bygone era. This book is a vividly rendered glimpse of the twilight of the Edwardian era. The commercial success of the novels with the Edwardian code reflects the interest of the reading public to it. The goal-setting required in this code and its distinct axiology evidence the overcoming of postmodern moral relativism. The author of the paper makes an assumption about the formation of ‘Neo-Edwardianism’ in the modern culture of Great Britain.References
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