Confucius, The Analects, Russian translations, translation history, translation method.Abstract
Confucius is a famous Chinese enlightener, thinker and the founder of Confucianism; today his teachings are still influential not only in China but worldwide. The Analects of Confucius is a classic Confucian work, it plays an extremely important role in the history of Chinese and world literature and ideology. The Analects was compiled by the disciples of Confucius and is composed of sayings, records of Confucius’s deeds and dialogues with him. If compared with other Chinese classic papers, translated versions and translation studies of The Analects of Confucius are the greatest in number. Russian sinologists began translating and interpreting Chinese Confucian classics in the 18th century, when Russian mission was established in China. The purpose of the original translation of The Analects was the acquaintance of Russian readers with Confucianism and its classical works. After the first translation, more and more Russian sinologists turned attention to Confucianism, and this teaching was gradually recognized and understood by the world. Being the classic work of Confucianism, The Analects fully explains thoughts and ideas of this school. Thus, in Confucian classics, translations and research papers devoted to The Analects are also popular. Translations and research results of all sinologists have had a positive effect on Confucianism and even on the dissemination of ancient Chinese traditional culture in foreign countries. It should be noted that translators are representatives of different epochs, they have different cultural background and level of knowledge, so different translations have their own specific merits. This article attempts to trace the history of Russian translation of The Analects, as well as to compare and analyze the characteristics of the translations in order to present their development patterns and context.References
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