М. П. Котюрова, функциональная стилистика, научный текст, экстралингвистические факторы научного текста, эпистемическая ситуация, категории научного текста, стереотипность и творчество в тексте, индивидуальный стиль речи ученого, эталонный научный текст.Abstract
The article analyzes scientific achievements of the Perm State University Professor M. P. Kotyurova in the field of functional stylistics. It discusses the content of the concepts developed by her, such as the extra-linguistic basis of scientific text, the epistemic situation, categories of scientific text, the reference scientific text, culture of scientific writing, principles of editing scientific text, the individual style of a scientist’s writing, etc. Special attention is paid to the holistic concept of extra-linguistic factors of scientific text related to the ontological, methodological and axiological components of scientific knowledge. M. P. Kotyurova proved that each of these components, being expressed in a scientific text, determines the stylistic specificity of its semantic structure. It is recognized that the concept of extra-linguistic factors of scientific text is of keynote importance for functional stylistics, since it allows explaining the underlying mechanisms of text-formation in scientific communication. It is argued that the results obtained by M. P. Kotyurova are based on the theory of functional styles by M. N. Kozhina and develop this theory based on the methodology of the transdisciplinary approach. It was this approach that allowed M. P. Kotyurova to identify and explain the structure of scientific text. The paper discusses contribution of M. P. Kotyurova to the development of a number of scientific text categories: integrity, accuracy, non-categorical nature, density, etc. It considers the concept of a scientist’s individual writing style and emphasizes M. P. Kotyurova’s innovation in establishing the connection between the individual style and the cognitive style. Furthermore, considered are M. P. Kotyurova’s ideas in the field of the scientific writing culture, scientific text editing, as well as legal linguistics, in the framework of which the researcher has developed methods of functional-stylistic analysis for conflict texts. The merits of M. P. Kotyurova as the editor-in-chief of the series Stereotypes and Creativity in Texts, which united Russian and foreign researchers of text, are recognized. The breadth of M. P. Kotyurova’s scientific interests and her great contribution to the development of functional stylistics are noted.References
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