



linguistic personology, military-historical anthropology, historical linguistic perso¬nality, epistolary text, speech genre.


This article is based on the analysis of 154 epistolary texts of the Great Patriotic War participant Timofey Vasilyevich Antipin. It presents a description of elementary speech genres for the reconstruction of the portrait of the historical linguistic personality, as well as for the identification of its emotional and psychological state during the text generation. To implement this idea, we use the methods of linguistic personology in order to apply the obtained results in studies of military-historical anthropology. The classification of elementary speech genres is based on the typology proposed by I. N. Borisova. It is established that T. V. Antipin’s letters represent a whole spectrum of elementary speech genres, however their frequency is different. Among the speech genres, there are those that can be attributed to obligatory ones – representatives (are not the subject of this article), directives and socio-etiquette expressives. The rest of the genres – commissives, valuatives, emotional-personal expressives, and communicative regulators – are variable. The genres most informative in the study of personality traits and in establishing the emotional-psychological condition of a person are valuatives and emotional-personal expressives. Essential information for the reconstruction of the sender’s personality portrait is also provided by the genre of directives and such type of the commissive genre as commitment. The emotional and mental state of the addresser can be characterized based on one of the socio-etiquette expressive genres – greeting. The duration of correspondence (1941–1945) provides sufficient material to identify the dynamic processes in the psycho-physiological state of the combatant.

Author Biographies

Наталия Васильевна Логунова (Natalia V. Logunova), Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute (the branch of Perm State University)

Associate Professor in the Department of Social Disciplines and the Humanities

Лариса Львовна Мазитова (Larisa L. Mazitova), Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute (the branch of Perm State University)

Associate Professor in the Department of Social Disciplines and the Humanities


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How to Cite

Логунова (Natalia V. Logunova) Н. В., & Мазитова (Larisa L. Mazitova) Л. Л. (2019). SPEECH GENRES AS A MEANS OF CHARACTERIZING THE LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY AND MENTAL STATE OF A PERSON (Based on the Material of Frontline Letters of T. V. Antipin). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2073-6681-2019-1-37-47




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