Catherine II’s creative work, “gallant dialogue”, “scientific conversation”, A. T. Bolotov’s creative work, children’s mind, educational ideology.Abstract
The article considers two author’s strategies functioning in works of the second half of the 18th century: a “gallant dialogue”, used by empress Catherine II when addressing the reader being educated by her, and a “scientific conversation”, used by A. T. Bolotov in his work intended for children. Both authors refer to two sources: Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds by B. Fontenelle, in which the model of the “gallant dialogue” is given, and Children’s School by L. De Beaumont; but each of the writers perceive children’s mind differently. Catherine, representing children (tsarevitch Khlor and tsarevitch Fevey), stylizes the work according to the genre of a folklore fairy tale, but fills it with deep ideas: it is a utopian model of creating a multilevel happy society in which the top place is taken by the monarch, then there is the court and aristocracy, further – urban population, and the lowest position is held by peasants. The latter are to be respected at most by tsarevitch Khlor for their hard work. Apealing to children’s mind, A. T. Bolotov, on the contrary, deems it necessary to adapt scientific knowledge for its easier comprehension by the characters of his Children’s Philosophy: Feona and Kleon. Therefore, Bolotov’s purpose is pedagogical, and it is implemented with the help of a “scientific conversation”, representing a conversation between an educated mother and children about the Universe system during their walk in the garden. The writer explains happiness as joy of educated children’s mind to understand the laws of nature. Catherine’s purpose is political: by means of a “gallant dialogue”, in an unostentatious and playful manner, she sets the image of a wise ruler explaining to those being educated (to the successor and aristocracy) the way to happy life, which implies the acceptance of the existing social order and observance of universal moral precepts.References
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