concept, good, representation, public political press, printed press, values, meanings.Abstract
The article considers the transformation of the value-semantic field of the concept “good” in the Russian press. Based on studying lexicographic sources, we identified basic senses of the usage model of the concept. The practical material of the research includes interpretations of the lexeme “good” in texts of public political press: a quality magazine Russian Reporter and a tabloid newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. We studied all the texts for 2016 containing the given verbalizer. Having analyzed the usage and discourse models of the concept “good” in the two given sources, the author concludes that there are new meanings appearing on the periphery of the discourse model in magazines and newspapers of public political orientation, which are not found even on the periphery of the common language model. For example, a unique lexeme “a part of the name of something, of some organization, event etc.” can be found, which is connected with publishing information, including the news genres, telling about the activity of some organizations or some events etc. At the same time, the general number of meanings of the usage model is smaller in comparison with the discourse model. The author also notices the non-centric structure of the semantic field organization – the margins of verbalizers are blurred, the meanings are close to each other. However, traditional meanings of the concept are preserved. In both Russian Reporter and Komsomolskaya Pravda, it is the lexeme “positive evaluation of something, somebody”, practically coinciding with the nucleus of the usage model, that is of the most frequent occurrence. The author draws a conclusion that the given peculiarities of representation of the concept “good” may be encountered in other Russian newspapers and magazines of this kind. Thus, we see that the concept “good”, being a basic notion in the Russian cultural value paradigm, translates the meanings which do not change with the course of time. Along with that, this lexeme obtains new senses which can be found at present in the discourse model of the mass media, including those under study in this paper.References
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