


исторический роман, Хилари Мантел, Томас Кромвель, латынь, Библия, художественная картина мира.


The article studies the use of the Church Latin language in the historical novels by Hilary Mantel Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies as a form of reflection of the author’s historical concept. The paper attempts to prove that the language in Mantel’s novels about Thomas Cromwell is a special subject of consi­deration, since it has a particular significance in the writer’s historical concept. Considering the historical processes in England in the 16th century as a way of developing national self-consciousness, Hilary Mantel builds her hierarchy of significance of European languages in the life of England (cultural, economic, political). Therefore, the rejection of the Roman Catholic language in the novels is interpreted as one of the most important elements of cultural and national self-determination.The article attempts to reflect the problems of the perception of the Latin language by different characters, the opposition of Latin, embodying the old time, and English, as a symbol of the new life of the state. Mantel, who considers Cromwell’s time to be the time for revising the value orientations in the country’s foreign and domestic policies, the time of an economic breakthrough, shows how the Church Latin loses its sacredness.In support of this, we notice a change in the significance, spheres and frequency of use of the Latin language. In the novels, Latin is initially presented as the official language of the church, but then we see a gradual abandonment of the religious Latin by the novel characters, it is only used in jurisprudence and me­dicine, becomes a “comic” language used in theatrical performances, which reflects the processes of a profound transformation of the spiritual and philosophical foundations of the medieval mentality. The historical concept of Mantel finds its place among the most significant interpretations of the Reformation in the fullness of its contradictions, tragedies and positive outcomes.Key words: historical novel; Hilary Mantel; Thomas Cromwell; Latin; Bible; artistic worldview.

Author Biography

Мария Андреевна Дезорцева (Marya A. Dezortseva), South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Postgraduate Student in the Department of Literature and Methods of Teaching Literature


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How to Cite

Дезорцева (Marya A. Dezortseva) М. А. (2018). CHURCH LATIN LANGUAGE IN THE HISTORICAL NOVELS BY HILARY MANTEL. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 10(1).

