Development theory: the connection between philosophy and interdisciplinary approaches and its mathematical aspect



  • Alexander Vladimirovich Krutov Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamsk Hwy., Moscow, 125993, Russia



dialectics, complexity, development theory of V.V. Orlov, the highest, the lowest, mathematics


The paper presents an original attempt to relate dialectical concrete-universal theory of development with general scientific interdisciplinary notions of development, its causes and mechanisms (systems theory, synergetics, global evolutionism). The exposed connection between the highest and the lowest in the development of matter and the related peculiarity of the evolutionary process enrich interdisciplinary interpretation of development and extend the capabilities of using research tools. The content interpretation on the basis of an updated mathematical tools used in the general scientific approaches was tested. In particular, paper draws the possibility to justify the change of parameters of mathematical equations which describe the complexity of the spectrum of high-quality structures depending on the processes of regime change. Development of the social form of matter consists of the increasing complexity of social structures. This fact actualizes the problem of describing of the social form of matter in mathematical equations.

Author Biography

Alexander Vladimirovich Krutov , Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamsk Hwy., Moscow, 125993, Russia

Ph.D. in Politics, Associate Professor of Department of Political Science


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