Negentropy consumption and school performance



  • V. Chechulin Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia


Aleskovskii theorem, information, entropy, negentropy, school performance, negative entropy


Based on the Aleskovskii theorem about the connection measures of information and entropy, indicating that the copying of the information needed negentropy (negative entropy), was have experimentally investigated on a sample of the data communication of the relative share of consumption of negative entropy (from plant foods) and the quality of cognitive processes, that required copying of the information, that was measurable by average student achievement in the session; established in the application of sustainable methods of estimation (truncation evolved observations) the presence of a correlation between high consumption of negative entropyand high-achievers, the percentage of consumption negentropy more significant for high-performance, rather than caloric intake. Such a connection allows us to recommend corrective action.


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