Features of psycho-emotional state of the victims, suffered the loss of a child due to emergency



  • Natalia V. Onischenko National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine; 94, Chernyshevskaya str, Kharkov, 61023, Ukraine


emergency, the victim, emergency psychological assistance


The article presents the results of the interim study of specific features of the response of victims to a particular type of loss due to an emergency. In particular, it presents data on the experiences of different categories of victim contingent death of his child; analyzes the main types of response to this type of loss; describes the specific reactions of men and women in response to the loss of children; study the question of response elderly loss of children and / or grandchildren as a result of an emergency man-made origin. The article raises questions that relate to the problems of organizing and providing emergency psychological assistance to the victims, survivors of this kind of loss.

Author Biography

Natalia V. Onischenko, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine; 94, Chernyshevskaya str, Kharkov, 61023, Ukraine

Candidate of Psychological Sciences,Principal Researcher at the Research LaboratoryExtreme and Crisis Psychology


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