To the characteristics of social and cultural dynamics (dialectical and synergetic aspects)



  • Alexei F. Rodyukov Petersburg State University of Telecommunications; 61, Moika river emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russia


primary, secondary, bifurcation, fluctuation, self-organization, differentiation, integration, genertion, three-part model of society, guiding image


Principle of relative changes of individual and society allow to overcome dualism, which separates creature from the creator. When the conditions of social life and the events of individual life are discussed in the context of their origin (genesis), the conditions are primary in relation to the individuals. When relationship of individual and society are discussed in the context of their realization, the individual circumstances of people's lives become primary. Three-part model of society is suggested. It includes the actual living, the dead and the unborn persons. The individual, not the generation, becomes a «unit» of the social differentiation and integration at the stage of macro-scale change of self-organization process in society.

Author Biography

Alexei F. Rodyukov, Petersburg State University of Telecommunications; 61, Moika river emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russia

D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy


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