The elderlies attitude to the Internet and mobile telephony



  • Svetlana Evgen’evna Gasumova Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia



informatization, the elderly, information technology (IT), information policy, adaptation


In this article we describe the results of our empirical research in the Perm region in 2014 in the form of a questionnaire aimed at the identifying the attitudes of elderly people to new information technologies on the example of the Internet and mobile telephony. 268 persons were interviewed. On the basis of the use of authoring tools were provided some data on the percentage of users of mobile telephony and the Internet among the elderly in the Perm region, type and duration of using the mobile phone and the Internet by aged people, the motivation of the old generation to master the ability to use these technologies. In addition, we have got the assessment of evolution of the quality of life of senior citizens after the beginning the use of mobile telephones and the Internet. The ability of elderly people in using IT and their specific training needs are identified. Rather interesting results were obtained on the world outlook of the old generation about the ethical aspects of the impact of the phenomena of mobile telephony and the Internet on modern society, as well as subjective evaluation of happiness in the lives of elderly people in general and of the users of mobile telephony and the Internet. Described data allowed to some extent to analyze the process of adaptation of the old age group in the information society and to suggest ways to overcome the information deprivation of this social group. We propose also several definitions in the subject area such as «information and technological competence of elderly person», «information deprivation of elderly person» and «information adaptability of elderly person».

Author Biography

Svetlana Evgen’evna Gasumova , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Ph.D. in Sociology, Docent, Assistant Professorof the Department of Social Work


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