The subjective feeling of loneliness as a factor of change of sexual partners



  • Alexandra Alexandrovna Gaivoronskaya Smolensk State Medical University, 28, Krupskaya str., Smolensk, 214019, Russia;
  • Irina Mikhailovna Osipenko Smolensk State Medical University, 28, Krupskaya str., Smolensk, 214019, Russia



loneliness, change of sexual partners, emotional immaturity, free relationship, hypersexuality, suspiciousness, proneness to conflict, dissociated loneliness, alienating loneliness, diffuse loneliness


The article examines how the levels of perceived loneliness become a factor of changing sexual partners. The techniques of detecting the levels of subjective feelings of loneliness of D. Russell and M. Ferguson (adaptation D.I. Raigorodskii) and a questionnaire to determine the kind of loneliness S.G. Korchagina have been used. Also to identify significant themes in the feeling of loneliness and sexual relationships, subjects were asked to describe theirideas about loneliness, relationships with the opposite sex, using specific examples from personal experience in the form of free short stories (mini method works — method of Volovikova, N.L. Smirnova). Group of subjects with frequent change of partners showed a high level of subjective feelings of loneliness, while group with traditional sexual behavior didn’t show the high level of subjective feelings of loneliness. Leading themes/descriptions of subjective feelings of loneliness correlative of living space, especially sexual relations, express the search of identification, proneness to conflict, fears/phobias, manifestation of psychological trauma. The authors believe that the present research will help with the thorough study of the traumatic conditions caused by the subjective feeling of lonelinessin the sexual sphere. The subjective feeling of loneliness is closely related to communicative activities, communication styles, ways of overcoming critical life situations, peculiarities of personal characteristics. The scope of application of obtained results are Sexual Medicine (sexology) and Gender Psychology. The prospects for further research are the creation of mental health programs aimed at creating a positive self-image, the correction of stressful situations and the formation of positive interpersonal relationships in the sexual sphere. 

Author Biographies

Alexandra Alexandrovna Gaivoronskaya , Smolensk State Medical University, 28, Krupskaya str., Smolensk, 214019, Russia;

Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professorof the Department of Clinical Psychology

Irina Mikhailovna Osipenko , Smolensk State Medical University, 28, Krupskaya str., Smolensk, 214019, Russia

Ph.D. in Psychology, Lecturer of the Departmentof Clinical Psychology


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