Professional career of managers: the environment of the company, the style of management, the dynamics of motivation and job satisfaction



  • Elena V. Kuznetsova LLC «MasterPost», 42/23, Volgogradsky av., Moscow, 109316, Russia
  • Vladimir A. Tolochek Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 13, Yaroslavskaya str., Moscow, 129366, Russia



managers, motivation (internal, external), satisfaction, work, success, self-realization, age, gender, position


The paper discusses the results of studying motivation (internal / external, according to the theory ofR.M. Ryan, E.L. Deci) and job satisfaction in managers (40 people) in the environment of a modern commercial company. The purpose of the research is to describe the relations between the managers’ job satisfactionand motivation to work throughout their career in the company, to identify the conditions that affect the motivation and satisfaction. The subject of the study is the dynamics of interrelations between the parameters of motivation and satisfaction, taking into consideration the socio-demographic characteristics of the subjectsthroughout their work in the company. The research tests the following hypotheses: 1. Motivation and job satisfaction of managers vary throughout their career. 2. Changes in their motivation and job satisfaction are influenced both by factors of the external environment (the environment of the company) and their «internalconditions». The results obtained allow us to conclude that employees with successful career (self-realized inthe spheres of labor and family) are more «tolerant» to the methods and forms of motivation that have beendeveloped in the company; different types of motivation are poorly represented in many employees. Increasingage, a better position on the career-ladder and successfulness of an employee’s family life lead to the weakening in the effectiveness of regular motivation forms and methods. Motivation, interest to work, satisfactionwith it and relationships between employees in the company act as relatively independent variables. The resultsare important for research of labor productivity at Russian industrial enterprises.

Author Biographies

Elena V. Kuznetsova, LLC «MasterPost», 42/23, Volgogradsky av., Moscow, 109316, Russia

Head of Branch

Vladimir A. Tolochek, Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 13, Yaroslavskaya str., Moscow, 129366, Russia

Doctor of Psychology, Professor,Leading Researcher


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