Transdisciplinary human study: pillars and collisions

Philosophy «Problematization of the human: an ongoing project» (special issue)


  • Svetlana R. Dinaburg Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomolskiy av., Perm, 614990, Russia



discourse, history, metaphysics, paradox, problematization, self-organization, synthesis, sacred, transgression, transdisciplinarity


The transdisciplinary approach to studying the problem of human appears to be the most natural and productive starting point for the situation that modern philosophy finds itself in. In the paper, the problem of human is considered as a paradoxical weird problem directly related to the global problems of our time. In this case, what appears to be an alternative to problem-solving is problematization, which reveals hidden opportunities and existing relationships between different fields of meanings. The question of the method, foundations of integration was brewing over the «long 20th century» simultaneously with the proclamation of the end of fundamental pillars (God, science, history, man), which led to a situation of exhaustion of world outlooks and forced «preconceptionlessness». Overcoming this crisis, cognition is now moving into the trans- and meta- positions, where the opportunities for construction and new paths for syntheses open up. Not only the scientific and philosophical ethos, but the need to involve a wide range of people in the practice of study of human nature requires clarity: transdisciplinarity is not a mere popular intellectual trend (speculative program, discursive game), but an effective method that can work with radicalization, social restrictions, dead ends, etc. The search for ontological foundations and integration with various forms of cultural experience lead «trans-science» to metaphysical problems and the experience of the sacred, the recognition of the role of discourse as the creative being; then the testing of limits needs to be coupled with moderate epistemological conservatism. In its theoretical foundation, transdisciplinarity is based on the effects of self-organization, self-development, and self-learning, which requires the provision of conditions for the production of syntheses and competent trust in the process, which cannot be reduced to the expectation of a miraculous appearance of Deus ex machina. Exploring the paradoxical collisions of transdisciplinarity, it is proposed to consider its rootedness as a historical phenomenon.

Author Biography

Svetlana R. Dinaburg, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomolskiy av., Perm, 614990, Russia

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy and Law


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