On the dilemma of being



  • Sergey D. Lobanov Perm Federal Research Centre of the Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 13a, Lenin st., Perm, 614990, Russia




ontological obligations, connected being, objective being, non-objective being, «third being», order of being, predicates of being, dignity of being


Тhe article explores the question of being. Its relevance is revealed through ontological obligations. This question belongs to the domain of the transcendent, the subject of metaphysics. Being is considered through the concepts «order of being», «predicates of being» and «dignity of being». The paper introduces the concepts of inreality and connected being and gives the argument of the «third being». The concepts of real and ideal, some types of proofs of existence are discussed. The dilemma of being is formulated, which is formed by the recognition that being exists upon condition that being is an action and acts directly, on the one hand, and, on the other, by the recognition that being acts through some phenomenon, therefore it is identified with some object and is considered objective, mediated being. In other words, it is a statement about the existence of being in itself and being distributed in a certain order, the order of being, namely: the existence of things, being, essence, man, etc. The aspects of the dilemma of being are created by the differentiation between being and becoming, being and living, being and thinking. These ontological distinctions lead to such resolution of the dilemma of being when being is recognized as: 1) the measure of things that they «matter (are the essence)» and that they «are not the essence», i.e, become; 2) the measure of things that make sense and those that do not, and 3) the measure of things imaginable and unimaginable. As a result, the paper offers the following definition of being: being is immediacy as such (non-objective being) which combines the immediacy of things, actions, phenomena, processes, sensations, etc. (objective being).

Author Biography

Sergey D. Lobanov, Perm Federal Research Centre of the Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 13a, Lenin st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Philosophy Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Philosophy


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