Internal labor migration: theoretical approaches, prospects, threats and ways of negotiation (by the example of the city of Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk Region)



  • Victor Viktorovich Pit’ Scientific and Technology Center «Perspective», of. 410, 70, Taimyrskaya str., Tyumen, 625026, Russia
  • Evgeniya Olegovna Zapoleva Scientific and Technical Center "Perspektiva" LLC, 625026, Tyumen, 70, Taymyrskaya St., office 410
  • Irina Vladimirovna Ponomareva Department of Youth Affairs of the Department of Culture and Sport of Berezovsky urban district; 7, Teatralnaya str., Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk Region 623701, Russia



theories of migration, labor migration, internal migration, youth


The article discusses the main interdisciplinary approaches to the study of migration processes in society: mercantilism, neoclassical economic theory, micro-level theory, microeconomic theory of individual choice, theory of «push-pull», theory of historical structuralism, new economic theory of migration, theory of segmented markets, world systems theory, theory of social networks, theory of structuring, theory of cumulative causation and synthetic theory. The authors analyze the results of empirical research prospects of internal migration within the same region, where the donor was a small town, and the recipient — a metropolis. The article describes the social portrait of young people receiving vocational education and prone to move in the nearest future, as well as the risks of the increasing trend of unilateral movement of population. Approximate forecast of the share of migrant workers from the city of Berezovsky (Sverdlovsk Region) among today students is given, the main recommendations to improve the competitiveness of small towns are listed.

Author Biographies

Victor Viktorovich Pit’ , Scientific and Technology Center «Perspective», of. 410, 70, Taimyrskaya str., Tyumen, 625026, Russia

D. in Economics, Director

Evgeniya Olegovna Zapoleva , Scientific and Technical Center "Perspektiva" LLC, 625026, Tyumen, 70, Taymyrskaya St., office 410


Irina Vladimirovna Ponomareva, Department of Youth Affairs of the Department of Culture and Sport of Berezovsky urban district; 7, Teatralnaya str., Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk Region 623701, Russia

Head of the Department of Youth Affairs


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