Deputies with the repeated parliamentary status in late imperial Russia: a case study of the State Duma of the 4th convocation, 1912–1917


  • I. K. Kiryanov Perm State University
  • S. I. Kornienko Perm State University
  • D. A. Gagarina Perm State University
  • A. V. Sotnik Perm State University


late imperial Russia, State Duma, parliamentary sub-elite, correlation analysis, faceted classification


In late imperial Russia, the political elite became more complicated due to the inclusion of the State Duma deputies and the elected members of the State Council in its membership. The paper is focused on studying the deputies of the Fourth Duma with the repeated parliamentary status, who constituted a distinct sub-elite group. The general description of the group is given, including the number of deputies, and the deputies' motives for participation in elections to the Duma. The authors evaluated the influence of the group on parliamentary activity on the base of positional analysis. Due to correlation analysis and faceted classification, socio-cultural types within the parliamentary subelite were identified. The study showed that the cohort of deputies with a repetitive parliamentary status was more homogeneous in terms of socio-cultural characteristics than the cohort of newly elected deputies. Significant differences in the socio-cultural appearance of those groups were determined by class, level of education and preparliamentary professions related to intellectual work. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-1-178-188

Author Biographies

I. K. Kiryanov, Perm State University

Doctor of Science in History, Associate Professor, Department of Contemporary Russian History, Perm State National Research University (Russia)

S. I. Kornienko, Perm State University

Doctor of Science in History, Professor, Department of Contemporary Russian History, Perm State National Research University (Russia)

D. A. Gagarina, Perm State University

Candidate of Science in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Department of Contemporary Russian History, Perm State National Research University (Russia)

A. V. Sotnik, Perm State University

Student, Department of Contemporary Russian History, History and Political Sciences Faculty, Perm State National Research University (Russia)


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How to Cite

Kiryanov, I. K., Kornienko, S. I., Gagarina, D. A., & Sotnik, A. V. (2020). Deputies with the repeated parliamentary status in late imperial Russia: a case study of the State Duma of the 4th convocation, 1912–1917. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 36(1), 178–188. Retrieved from

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