
  • Надежда Борисова / Nadezhda Borisova Perm Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Perm State University


language policy, non-ethnic subnational regionalism, Vojvodina, Istria


The conceptualization of subnational regionalism is mostly associated with theoretical research and academic discussions that relate to Western European countries. At the same time, this conceptualization refers to the discussion on the relationship between subnational regionalism and ethnicity as its system-forming element. In most cases, we are talking about ethnic sub-national regionalism and its nature. What grounds allow us to distinguish subnational regionalism in ethnically heterogeneous communities and what is the nature of its non-ethnic character? By the example of Croatia and Serbia as non-Western European countries, the article discusses the phenomenon of non-ethnic subnational regionalism, as well as the role of language, being an instrument of identity, in actualizing non-ethnic subnational regionalism. It explains the relationship between ethno-symbolic claims and the development of non-ethnic regionalism in Croatian Istria and Serbian Vojvodina. Ethno-regional and regionalist parties, whose electoral manifestos contain various regional claims, represent both of these regions in the political arena. The author reveals the peculiarity of nation-building processes in Serbia and Croatia and their influence on the dynamics of language and regionalist claims on the political agenda of Vojvodina and Istria. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-1-40-53

Author Biography

Надежда Борисова / Nadezhda Borisova, Perm Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Perm State University

researcher; dean of the Faculty of History and Politology


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How to Cite

Nadezhda Borisova Н. Б. /. (2020). THE FATE OF ‘NON-ETHNIC REGIONALISM’ AND LANGUAGE CLAIMS ON THE REGIONALIST AGENDA: VOJVODINA AND ISTRIA IN A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(1), 40–53. Retrieved from