

language policy, language regime


Discussion as a special the integrative and fragmenting functions of language needs to clarify the idea about political role of language. Not language by itself, but its political and institutional status and perception of this status by native-speakers promote integration or fragmentation of society. This understanding actualizes the question about the content and variability of language policy. Which language policy does promote integration and which one does block and trigger the fragmentation of society? Searching for an answer to this empirical, by its nature, question requires a conceptual understanding of approaches to language policy and its direction in terms of results and / or effects. The article offers a methodological revision of “language regime” concept, which has been actively using in political studies of language policy for last few years. A conceptual analysis of approaches to the understanding and classification of language policy and language regime allows to understand its as causally related to each other. Language regime as a kind of social order becomes a part of politics due to actualization of the political struggle for language.    DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-4-91-102

Author Biography

Надежда Борисова / Nadezhda Borisova, Perm State University

Dean of the Faculty of History and Politology


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How to Cite

Nadezhda Borisova Н. Б. /. (2020). FROM LANGUAGE POLICY TO LANGUAGE REGIME: CONCEPTUAL AND EMPIRICAL CAPACITY. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 13(4), 91–102. Retrieved from




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