

public goods, municipal authorities, political institutions, local politics


In this paper we examine the relations between political institutions and public goods production at the local level. Municipal budget, land, infrastructure, public security, and beautification are usually studied by economists; we propose an analytical framework that takes into account political factors, namely the influence of political institutions on production and distribution of public goods. Based on the literature on institutional analysis, this scheme makes it possible to identify incentives and constraints on both the demand and supply sides of local public goods provision along with the feedback loops (monitoring and accountability mechanisms). We also analyze the analytical problems emerging when studying the effects of political institutions, in particular, the nested nature of institutions, their endogenous character, and the role of contextual factors. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2018-4-21-34

Author Biographies

Андрей Семенов / Andrey Semenov, Perm State University

candidate of Political Sciences, senior researcher of the Center for comparative historical and political studies, associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences

Всеволод Бедерсон / Vsevolod Bederson, Perm State University

candidate of Political Sciences, researcher of the Center for comparative historical and political studies, associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences

Ирина Шевцова / Irina Shevcova, Perm State University

candidate of Political Sciences, Director of the Center for comparative historical and political studies, associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences

Станислав Шкель / Stanislav Shkel, Perm State University

doctor of Political Sciences, senior researcher at the center for comparative historical and political studies, Professor of the Department of Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Andrey Semenov А. С. /, Vsevolod Bederson В. Б. /, Irina Shevcova И. Ш. /, & Stanislav Shkel С. Ш. /. (2019). POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC GOODS PRODUCTION AT THE LOCAL LEVEL: ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 12(4), 21–34. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/2066

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