Teaching political science in Russian universities: review of educational literature
political science, teaching political science at university, national research university, textbooks on political scienceAbstract
The article reviews educational literature on the discipline “Political Science" inRussian universities. The initial sample included all the 29 national research universities (NRU) as the most powerful and advanced centers for the development and integration of science and education. The analysis of the NRU’s websites showed that in some universities political science disciplines are not taught at all or course syllabuses are not available on the websites. Accordingly, the research sample consisted of 20 national research universities. The study of syllabuses on political science was organized in two directions: the author analyzed the syllabuses for bachelor’s students in political science and those for students of other areas of study. The latter, in turn, were divided into the groups for the humanities students and natural science students (including technical students). The analysis of the syllabuses showed that there is no uniformity in the educational literature (about 21 textbooks on political science are applied in universities). The main textbooks for political science students are works of Melville, Mukhaev and Soloviev; for students of natural sciences – a textbook by Pugachev and Soloviev, and for the humanities students – works of Melville, Haywood, Achkasov, and Belov. The textbook most popular with the students of non-major areas of study is the one by Gadzhiev and Primov. The article also describes the content of the main textbooks on the course "Political Science", regarding the topics covered, the style of presentation, and the complexity of the language.References
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