«Parting language regime» and the balance in interethnic relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina



language preferential policy, parting language regime, ethnic federation, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Both the balance in interethnic relations and the state territorial integrity in ethnic federation need special political and institutional decisions that include shared rule, self-rule and preferential policies. Preferential policy ensures special rights and guarantees for federation entity, and for titular and non-titular ethnic groups in it. Language preferential policy is one in a number of various preferential policies. In accordance to aims of research, I detect the conditions for language preferential policy institutionalization and implementation, and figure out the links between the demand for such policy and practice of minority language usage in community through the context of political and institutional provision of the balance in interethnic relations and the state territorial integrity. For this purposes I suggest the concept of language regime and case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The collapse of Yugoslavia and processes of political and institutional setting-up of Bosnia and Herzegovina conditioned the politicization of languages in it. The scope, complexity, character of language preferential policy and its institutionalization depend on structural factors and historical and political context of struggle for language and policy decision-making that have political and symbolic importance for maintaining the balance in interethnic relations. The research makes it clear that language preferential policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a symbolic instrument for balance between claims of Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks to political subjectivity. Symbolic preferential policy strengthens the politicization of language and frames a parting language regime in the disintegrated state. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2017-3-73-92 

Author Biography

Надежда Борисова / Nadezhda Borisova, Perm State University

Cand. Sci. (Political Science), Professor, the Political Science Department


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How to Cite

Nadezhda Borisova Н. Б. /. (2018). «Parting language regime» and the balance in interethnic relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 73–92. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/1582