A philosopher between publicity and privacy
philosopher, philosophy, public, private, border of the worldAbstract
The article deals with the question of the relationship between privacy and publicity in the activity of a philosopher in the aspect of ontological and topological issues. The key idea of the work is the thesis about the border as the “place” of philosophy. Based on this thesis, the impossibility of the philosopher's full involvement in public or private space is revealed due to their “intramural” nature. Philosophy, on the contrary, acts as a condition for the formation of both “general” and “private” dimensions of human existence – due to the fact that it actualizes the event space “between...” as a condition of being. In this regard, any strategy of the philosopher's life can contribute to the fulfillment of this task. The space “between...” can be opened from any meaningfully defined position, whether it is a socially significant status or the status of a private person.References
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