
  • E. L. Lychagina
  • A. A. Vybornov
  • M. A. Kulkova


Neolithic, the Kama River basin, Kamskaya culture, Volgo-Kamskaya culture, radiocarbon dating, chronology


The article presents new radiocarbon dates obtained on the materials of the Volgo-Kamskaya and Kamskaya Neolithic cultures in the Kama River basin. In the paper, the data of original material for dating and methods were considered. Eleven new radiocarbon dates from eight Neolithic sites of region were obtained. The sites are located on the territory of the Upper Kama River basin (4 archaeological sites), the Kama-Vyatka basin (2 archaeological sites), and the Lower Kama River basin (2 archaeological sites). The main material for radiocarbon dating was the organics from pottery. Together with radiocarbon dates on organics from pottery, the dates on charcoal and animal bones were obtained. The dates on different organic materials have a good correlation. These results are new data for the early and developed stages of the Kamskaya culture. The earliest dates were obtained for unornamented pottery of the Volga-Kamskaya culture. This can be an evidence of priority of this culture in respect of pottery production in the Kamariver basin. This suggestion is confirmed by archaeological materials from neighbour regions. On other hand, the results of radiocarbon dating allow authors to conclude about synchronic existence of ceramic traditions with pinned and combed ornamentation from the middle of 6th to the middle of 5th millennium BC in region under consideration. However, the sites with pinned ornamented pottery appeared in the region earlier than the sites with ceramics ornamented by comb. The investigations gave the possibility to determine the time of appearance of sites with collarlike corolla pottery and pit-combed ornamented pottery in the Kama river region. The appearance of this type of ceramics in the region testifies to the contacts of the Kamskaya Neolithic culture community with people from the southern and eastern regions.


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How to Cite

Lychagina, E. L., Vybornov, A. A., & Kulkova, M. A. (2021). NEW DATA ON CHRONOLOGY OF NEOLITHIC CULTURE OF THE KAMA REGION. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 52(1), 35–48. Retrieved from