
  • I. A. Sokov


G.P. Grant, L. Hartz, S.M. Lipset, I. McKay, Canadian political culture, Canadian liberal tradition, British political tradition


The article discusses contemporary approaches to the study of political culture in Russia and North America. The main theories of Canadian political culture's genesis in American and Canadian research are specified. The author analyzes Grant’s views on the development of Canadian political culture and their difference from the views of L. Hartz, S.M. Lipset, and I. McKay. The article presents the main ideas of Grant on Canadian nationalism, identity, nation and state's evolution, as well as perspectives of Canadian society in the second half of the 20th century. Along with the American political scientist S.M. Lipset, who expressed his opinions about the differences between Canadian and American nations, Grant justified those differences in the context of historically determined British traditions in Canada and the objective biculturalism of the bilingual Canadian nation. During the crisis of Canadian liberal tradition, Grant expressed valuable thoughts about the technology's role in the life of contemporary society. The author criticizes his ideas about the Continentalism policy, which was actively developed in Canada after the Second World War. It is concluded that, in his works on the development of Canadian political culture, the evolution of Canadian culture, nation and state, J.P. Grant outstripped the ideas of his contemporaries – Canadian and American scholars, although he expressed many predictions in hyperbolic form. 


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