
  • M. A. Klinova
  • A. V. Trofimov


image of the head, Soviet satire, 1953–1964, journal "Crocodile"


Based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the materials of the journal "Crocodile" for 1953–1964, the article analyzes the features of constructing images of Soviet, party and economic leaders at different levels. When representing images of managers, "positive" and "negative" typological groups were identified. The positive image of the government was based on its recognition as the carrier of socially significant values and principles: justice, legality, efficiency in achieving goals, competence, etc. There are two main semantic categories in negative images of power. The first is "ineffective management", which includes such negative manifestations as bureaucracy, fraud, mismanagement, incompetence, improper treatment of subordinates, rudeness, lack of criticism, drunkenness, nepotism, etc. The second is "mercenary use of official position": bribes, embezzlement, and misuse of public funds. In accordance with the selected criteria, images of managers at the central, regional, and local levels were studied, and statistical patterns in their presentation on the pages of the journal were identified. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis, the authors conclude that the images of Soviet leaders constructed in the journal "Crocodile" reflected two trends: local campaigns "to fight against..." conducted during the specified period are shown in a negative drawing of the corresponding features of the image of leaders; the course of "democratization" and "glasnost", outlined by the 20th Congress of the CPSU, contributed to increasing criticism of managers. Its curtailment in the late 1950s and early 1960s led to a decrease in the number of critical comments. In general, the image of the Soviet leader, which combined various personal characteristics and activity strategies, was a reflection of the political and economic realities of the Khrushchev period. 


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How to Cite

Klinova, M. A., & Trofimov, A. V. (2020). SOVIET LEADER: RECONSTRUCTION OF THE IMAGE ACCORDING TO THE JOURNAL "CROCODILE" (1953–1964). PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 49(2), 131–137. Retrieved from