Discussions in the Provincial Zemstvos in the Reflection of Textual Maps: from Visualization to Analysis
text mapping, content analysis, Zemstvo, Russian Empire, text visualizationAbstract
The article presents a first attempt to analyze the speeches of the deputies of the Provincial Zemstvo Assemblies of the Moscow, St. Petersburg and Perm provinces in the second half of the 19th century using text mapping methods. The textual map is a space diagram in which the thematic content of the journals of the Provincial Zemstvo assemblies is displayed on a per-session basis according to the identified thematic clusters. The maps visualize the data of frequency tables created on the basis of computer processing of the textual corpuses of the journals of the Provincial Zemstvo Assemblies and sub-corpuses of texts containing fragments of the journals and representing speeches of individual deputies. The chronological framework of the study is limited to the first triennium of the functioning of Zemstvos in the Russian Empire, which is especially important to study, since Zemstvo deputies should have acted under new conditions of representation and were forced to develop new models of behavior to effectively solve the problems facing the Zemstvo. The article discusses the use of the text mapping method for visualizing and analyzing data. It includes the analysis of both generalized maps that display the full agenda of meetings as a whole, and individual maps that reflect speeches of individual deputies. It represents a thematic diversity of the journals of the Provincial Zemstvo Assemblies, comparing priorities in discussions of the agendas by different Zemstvos in dynamics, and deputies are classified according to the variety of topics of speeches. As a result of the analysis, it was possible to show that the main priority in the discussions at the meetings was the issue of Zemstvo financing and tax collection, as well as the procedure for forming the tax base. The discussed agenda was formed not only on the basis of the immediate needs for the arrangement of the provinces, but also under the influence of social composition of the Zemstvos and personal interests of the deputies.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2019-3-146-158References
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