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Юлия/Yuliya Геннадьевна/Gennad'evna Максимова/Maksimova
Анна/Anna Анатольевна/Anatol'evna Горшкова/Gorshkova
Виталий/Vitaliy Алексеевич/Alekseevich Демаков/Demakov


The effect of long-term incubation of samples sod-meadow heavy loam and alluvial meadow soils, and oil-saturated sandstone with polyacrylamide (PAA) on the number of amidase containing bacteria in the soil and the total amidase activity of soil extract was studied. It was determined that in the alluvial and loamy soil during prolonged incubation with PAA content of microorganisms having amidase activity was increased. Amidase activity of soil extracts for the period from 6 to 34 weeks was increased by several orders of magnitude. After 38 weeks in the alluvial soil decline of PAA was marked, that achieved 10-37% of the introduced quantity of water-retaining agent. It was shown that Alcaligenes faecalis 2, and Acinetobacter guillouiae 11h on liquid mineral media with carbon source and the PAA as a source of nitrogen formed biofilms on the hydrogel beads.

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How to Cite
Максимова/Maksimova Ю. Г., Горшкова/Gorshkova А. А., & Демаков/Demakov В. А. (2018). POLYACRYLAMIDE BIODEGRADATION BY SOIL MICROFLORA AND BACTERIA CONTAINING AMIDASE. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 200–204. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1854
Author Biographies

Юлия/Yuliya Геннадьевна/Gennad'evna Максимова/Maksimova, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS; Perm State University

Doctor of biology, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology;Associate professor of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Анна/Anna Анатольевна/Anatol'evna Горшкова/Gorshkova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University


Виталий/Vitaliy Алексеевич/Alekseevich Демаков/Demakov, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS; Perm State University

Doctor of Midicine, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology;Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology


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