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Михаил/Mikhail Юрьевич/Yur'evich Коротаев/Korotaev
Елена/Elena Владимировна/Vladimirovna Вихарева/Vikhareva
Валентина/Valentina Дмитриевна/Dmitrievna Белоногова/Belonogova
Ирина/Irina Борисовна/Borisovna Ившина/Ivshina


Products of bacterial paracetamol degradation by Rhodococcus ruber IEGM 77 cells were shown to be humic-like substances. According to our data, the molecules of the products of bacterial paracetamol deg-radation comprise “symmetric” and “asymmetric” sites, including aminophenol, phenoxazine, indole and benzofuran fragments. The chemical structures of these fragments are based on aromatic and quinoid rings with equivalent substituents, i.e. phenol hydroxyl and nitrogen-containing functional groups, in para- (“symmetric”) and meta- (“asymmetric”) positions. The products of bacterial paracetamol degrada-tion were found to produce a phytoregulating action on seed germination of soft wheat Triticum aestivum L. due to the influence of “symmetric” and “asymmetric” molecular sites on the functional peroxidase ac-tivity. It was experimentally proved that the phytostimulating effect depends on the plant growth phase and concentrations of substances contained in water extracts from products of bacterial paracetamol deg-radation.

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How to Cite
Коротаев/Korotaev М. Ю., Вихарева/Vikhareva Е. В., Белоногова/Belonogova В. Д., & Ившина/Ivshina И. Б. (2018). PHYTOREGULATING ACTION OF BACTERIAL PARACETAMOL DEGRADATION PRODUCTS. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 60–69. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Михаил/Mikhail Юрьевич/Yur'evich Коротаев/Korotaev, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Analytical Chemistry department

Елена/Elena Владимировна/Vladimirovna Вихарева/Vikhareva, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Doctor of pharmacy, Professor, Head of Analytical Chemistry department

Валентина/Valentina Дмитриевна/Dmitrievna Белоногова/Belonogova, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Doctor of pharmacy, Professor, Head of Pharmacognosy with botany course department

Ирина/Irina Борисовна/Borisovna Ившина/Ivshina, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS; Perm State University

Doctor of Microbiology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Alkanotrophic Microorganism Laboratory;Professor of the department Microbiology and Immunology


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