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Анна Валерьевна Максимова
Марина Валентиновна Кузнецова


Detection of genes encoding α- and β-subunits of Fe-containing nitrile hydratases was fulfilled among aldoxime- and nitrile-utilizing microorganisms isolated from the samples of natural and anthropogenically contaminated soils. The occurrence of enzyme genes did not depend on substrate where the bacteria were isolated (p=0.73). High homology of nha and nhb to well-known nitrile hydratase sequences from GenBank database (from 84 to 99%) was demonstrated. Gene sequencing did not reveal mutations in sites encoding enzyme active centres. The predominance of substitutions was noted among strains isolated from contaminated soil samples (66.7% for α-subunit and 70.0% for β-subunit). Obtained amino acid sequences of enzymes in soil isolates contained both typical for Rhodococcus and unique substitutions of amino acid residues. Radical amino acid substitution of tyrosine for serine in 85 site of a-subunit was demonstrated in strain R. erythropolis B4-4 isolated from acrylamide-contaminated soil.

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How to Cite
Максимова, А. В., & Кузнецова, М. В. (2018). CHARACTERISATION OF FE-CONTAINING NITRILE HYDRATASES IN RHODOCOCCUS STRAINS ISOLATED FROM SOIL. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 46–53. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Анна Валерьевна Максимова, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS

Engineer of the laboratory of molecular microbiology and biotechnology

Марина Валентиновна Кузнецова, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS

Doctor of medicine, senior researcher of the laboratory of molecular microbiology and biotechnology


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