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Brandao P.F.B., Clapp J.P., Bull A.T. Discrimination and taxonomy of geographically diverse strains of nitrile-metabolising actinomycetes using chemometric and molecular sequencing techniques. Environmental Microbiology. V. 4 (2002): pp. 262-276.
Brandao P.F.B., Clapp J.P., Bull A.T. Diversity of nitrile hydratase and amidase enzyme genes in Rhodococcus erythropolis recovered from geographically distinct habitats. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. V. 69, № 10 (2003): pp. 5754-5766.
Grantham R. Amino acid difference formula to help explain protein evolution. Science. V. 185 (1974): pp. 862-864.
Holtze M.S. et al. Microbial degradation of the ben-zonitrile herbicides dichlobenil, bromoxynil and ioxynil in soil and subsurface environments-insights into degradation pathways, persistent metabolites and involved degrader organism. Environmental Pollution. V. 154, №2 (2008): pp. 155-158.
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Mukram I. et al. Isolation and identification of a nitrile hydrolyzing bacterium and simultaneous utilization of aromatic and aliphatic nitriles. International Biodeterioration and Biodégradation. V. 100 (2015): pp. 165-171.
Nakasako M. et al. Tertiary and quaternary structures of photoreactive Fe-type nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus sp. N-771: roles of hydration water molecules in stabilizing the structures and the structural origin of the substrate specificity of the enzyme. Biochemistry. V. 38 (1999): pp. 9887-9898.
Piersma S.R. et al. Arginine 56 mutation in the beta subunit of nitrile hydratase: importance of hydrogen bonding to the non-heme iron center. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. V. 80 (2000): pp. 283-288.
Prasad S., Bhalla T.C. Nitrile hydratases (NHases): At the interface of academia and industry. Biotechnology Advances. V. 28 (2010): pp. 725-741.
Sneath P.H.A. Relations between chemical structure and biological activity in peptides. Journal of Theoretical Biology. V. 12 (1966): pp. 157-195.
Tang H. et al. Universal evolutionary index for amino acid changes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. V. 21 (2004): pp. 1548-1556.
Verma V., Sangave P. Screening, isolation and identification of nitrilase producing bacteria from soil. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. V. 6 (2015): pp. 1950-1957.
Yamada H., Kobayashi M. Nitrile hydratase and its application to industrial production of acrylamide. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry. V. 60 (1996): pp. 1391-1400.