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Наталья Александровна Молганова
Сергей Александрович Овеснов


In literature sources the species composition of poplars indicated for the Perm region in General. Only 11 species and hybrids of P. tremula L., P. alba L., P. x canadensis Moench, P. angulata Ait., P. balsamifera L., P. candicans Ait., P. laurifolia Ledeb., P. x berolinensis Dippel., P. del-toides Marsh., P. nigra L., P. longifolia Fisch. We studied the species composition of the genus poplar (Populus L., Salicaceae) in Perm. The study was carried out in 2012-2015 by the routing method. On the territory of the city we found 13 species and hybrid taxa, as well as decorative kind. This P. alba L., P. balsamifera L., P. x berolinensis Dippel., P. x canadensis Moench, P. x canescens (Ait.) Smith, P. deltoides Marsh. subsp. monilifera (Ait.) Eckenw., P. laurifolia Ledeb., P. x moscowiensis R.I. Schroed., P. nigra L., P. x sibirica G. Kryl. et Grig. ex A. Skvorts., P. x sowietica pyramidalis Jabl., P. suaveolens Fisch., P. tremula L. and P. suaveolens var. pyramidalis Regel. Cuts made to identify these taxa. P. angulata Ait., P. candicans Ait. and P. longifolia Fisch. on the territory of the city not detected. The most frequent species are P. x berolinensis, P. balsamifera, P. laurifolia and P. tremula.

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How to Cite
Молганова, Н. А., & Овеснов, С. А. (2018). SPECIES OF THE GENUS POPULUS L. (SALICACEAE) IN PERM. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 12–21. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1782
Author Biographies

Наталья Александровна Молганова, Perm State Agricultural Academy named after academician D.N. Prianishnikov

Senior lecturer of the Department of forestry and landscape architecture

Сергей Александрович Овеснов, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of botany and genetic of plants


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