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Koldehoff M., Elmaagacli A.H. Thoughts on feto-maternal tolerance: is there a lesson to be learned from allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation? Cell Biol. Int. V. 37 (2013): pp. 766-767.
Liu, F. Guo J., Tian T. Placental trophoblasts shifted Thl/Th2 balance toward Th2 and inhibited Thl7 immunity at fetomaternal interface. APMIS. V. 119 No. 9 (2011): pp. 597-604.
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Vacca P., Moretta L., Moretta A., Mingari M.C. Origin, phenotype and function of human natural killer cells in pregnancy. Trends in Immunology. V. 32 No. 11 (2011): pp. 517-523.
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