responsibility; civic activism; youth; motives; generation ZAbstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze responsibility as a factor of civic activism. The authors conducted two studies: an online survey of young residents of the Sverdlovsk region aged 14-25 (1150 respondents); content and discourse analysis of volunteer applications for participation in the Tavrida Art Cluster (1129 applications). It is shown that young people's sense of responsibility for events is average and decreases as the social distance of events increases: young people express this feeling primarily in relation to their closest circle of contacts rather than to the country as a whole. Prosocial motives are less pronounced than selfish ones, but they are typical for 80% of young people. 46% of volunteers position themselves as responsible citizens in the context of discipline, efficiency, diligence, etc. and use emotional and value images of the prosperity of the motherland and love for the country when describing the motivation for involvement in civic activism. 95% of respondents take part in both online and offline activism practices, with a greater choice of the former. The research material shows that today's young generation is civically aware, responsible and strives to change the world around them. The study concludes with key findings and questions for future research.References
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