



conservatism; Russian idea; ideology; conservative turn; Mezhuev; Tsymburskiy; conservative democracy


The article describes the conservative discourse in modern Russia, focused on finding an adequate conservative model for the country, taking place from 2014 to 2022 on the virtual platform - ‘Russian idea’. The article uses extensive materials of the web-site, with focus on the position of the project manager Boris Mezhuyev, one of the most famous inspirers of the conservative turn. Relying on the ideas of Vadim Tsymbursky, Mezhuyev builds an independent line of conservative discourse, taking into account current situation. The project managed to include many representatives of different backgrounds and views, which allowed Boris Mezhuyev to form his concept of “conservative democracy” taking into account different positions. The formation of the concept is based on the Mezhuyev’s desire to combine theory and practice, including the conservative bias of the United Russia Party, and to do so based on what they see as the main values of conservatism as a political ideology. The change in the political situation on February 24, 2022 caused Mezhuyev's decision to close the project. We believe that this experience is useful for Political Science, especially since the life of virtual platforms can be short, so it is necessary to carry out their scientific screen shot.

Author Biographies

L. А. Fadeeva, Perm State University

Professor of Politics, Political Science Department at the Faculty of History and Policy

D. A. Dumler

lecturer and researcher in Political Science


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How to Cite

Fadeeva Л. А., & Dumler Д. А. (2022). “CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRACY” AS A KIND OF POLITICAL CONSERVATISM. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2022-2-27-38