political communication; political image; image-role construct; information society; Internet; network identity; social mediaAbstract
The article studies the image of a regional leader in the modern political and communicative space of the Internet. The author analyzes the main role-image constructs used by the head of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on Instagram. The definition of the concept "role-image construct" is introduced. The theoretical basis of the research is the theory of the information society and the concept of network identity. The author uses qualitative and quantitative content analysis and comparative analysis as the main research methods. The information source of the study is the official Instagram account of the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the posts from December 25, 2019 to October 7, 2020. The re-search results show that oftentimes the posts of the governor reflect such role-image constructs as “organ-izer” and “crisis manager”. The interest of the audience is peaked by the posts, where such role-image con-structs as "crisis manager", "builder", "business executive" and "a person who knows and respects the his-tory of the country / city" are shown. In accordance with the study's findings, practical recommendations are formulated regarding the possible strengthening of the support of the head of the region through the more frequent posts using specific role-image constructs.References
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