region, regionalism, regional identity, regionalist claims, ‘center – region’ relations, regionalist partiesAbstract
Regionalism is one of the main driving forces for the transformation of the modern nation-state. However, there can be distinguished several meanings in the understanding of the term ‘regionalism’: a fairly intense regional identity based on the heterogeneity of regions in collective perception; a political movement that seeks political agency for the region; a model of relations between the center and the region, when the latter already possesses political agency. Juxtaposing of these connotations allows building a conceptual chain - a kind of ‘conceptual axis’ of regionalism, in the center of which is regionalism as a political movement. The other, ‘vertical axis’ of the conceptual scheme, is based on the conceptual differentiation of regionalism as a movement (regionalist actors) from other (‘adjacent’) categories of political actors that are more or less connected with the region, such as regional and ethnic parties. The proposed conceptual scheme, while not exhaustive, provides conceptual tools for comparative studies of regionalist movements. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-1-102-115References
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