youth policy, European Union, values, priorities, youth, intercultural dialogue, pan-European identityAbstract
In European countries, two youth policy strategies have been developed. One strategy is based on the leading role of the state in building work with young people (Germany and France); the other one is based on parity between the state and civil society in solving youth problems (the UK and Sweden). Despite the various national models of youth policy, since the late 1960s in the European Union, at the supranational level, a unified system of work with young people has been formed and implemented. It is based on the values of pan-European identity, tolerance, civic engagement and intercultural dialogue. Youth policy of the European Union is implemented through the open method of coordination, which allows the EU supranational structures to set the main guidelines, priorities and values of youth policy while maintaining a certain independence of national governments in implementing their own policies. The article focuses on identifying the evolution of the values and priorities of European youth policy in the 2000s, as well as the factors that explain it. The actualization of attention to these problems is due to the specific features of this stage of European integration, which is characterized by the largest expansion of the European Union and the subsequent socio-economic and political-cultural problems. Empirically, the study is based on legal and regulatory acts of the European Union in the field of youth policy, as well as on the data from sociological surveys of the Eurobarometer. The study showed the European Union’s commitment to the core values of youth policy formulated in the early 2000s (tolerance, open education, youth mobility, broad rights and opportunities for youth to participate in society, etc.), with some adjustments in the late 2010s, when there was a rejection of the value of a common European identity and a turn towards the formation of intercultural understanding. The main factors determining the evolution of the values and priorities of youth policy are the expansion of the European Union, the changing nature of the European youth, and the challenges of the international situation. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-1-75-87References
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