region, regionalism, regional identity, regionalist partiesAbstract
The increased role of the regions has become one of the most noticeable trends in contemporary political systems. The processes of regionalization proceed differently in country, regional, and other dimensions, which provides opportunities for various comparative studies. It is assumed that regionalist political parties play the most important role in the regionalization process. In this regard, the experience of Ukraine is of interest. Although regional parties in the country are legislatively banned, a high degree of multilevel spatial and temporal cross-regional differentiation and corresponding multilevel identity creates significant potential for regionalism. However, as analysis shows, for a number of reasons, the Ukrainian administrative-territorial units (oblasts), with the exception of part of the country’s eastern territory, have not become space for the formation of regional identity, which could become the basis for regionalism. National and local identities are of dominant importance. Moreover, at present, a kind of anti-regionalist consensus has developed in the public sphere: neither voters nor elites advocate expanding the powers of the regions towards their autonomy. At the same time, a significant part of the Ukrainian elite is still guided by regional, primarily economic, interests, which will continue to fuel the ‘ghost of regionalism’. In particular, this is manifested in the fact that many parties that have to ‘mimic’ national ones, in fact, represent the interests of definite local elite groups within the regions. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-1-54-66References
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