

identity, Kryashens, nationalism, national movements, symbols, Charles Taylor’s theory of recogni-tion, ethnic mobilization


The article analyzes the symbols of the Kryashen sub-ethnic national movement formed throughout the periods of the ethnic mobilization of the Kryashen population from the mid-19th century to the present day. The study is methodologically based on Charles Taylor’s theory of recognition and the ethno-symbolic approach to the study of nationalism. In the politics of recognition, according to Charles Taylor, the formation of an authentic and harmonious identity always requires the recognition of significant others, in addition to the formed self-consciousness. When a subject is misrecognized, it may begin to demand recognition and struggle for it. For this, national movements use primary ‘historical’ symbols to actualize their ethnicity through achieving external recognition. If this does not happen, the process of creating new symbols, based on the existing ones, is launched.The result of the study is classification of the symbols of the Kryashen sub-ethnic nationalism. The paper also presents a scheme showing the transformation of the symbols of Kryashens’ ethnic mobilization from their source (N. Ilminsky’s missionary activities) to giving the 2002 All-Russia population census the status of a separate synthesized symbol. i.e. a mythomoteur.The author pays particular attention to the primary ‘historical’ symbols of ‘Orthodoxy’ and ‘Kryashen language’ as those necessary for the formation of the ethnic group’s internal identity and found at all stages of the Kryashen sub-ethnic national movement. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-3-88-98

Author Biography

Андрей Денисов / Andrey Denisov, Center of Islamic Studies, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Researcher, Center for Islamic Studies


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How to Cite

Andrey Denisov А. Д. /. (2019). SYMBOLS OF THE KRYASHEN NATIONAL MOVEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF CHARLES TAYLOR’S POLITICS OF RECOGNITION. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 13(3), 88–98. Retrieved from