

localization, politicization, ethnicity, ethnic group, ethnic parties, congruence of borders, segregation


Ethnopolitical processes, as well as the institutional organization of polyethnic polities, are currently among the most developing areas of knowledge in political science. Meanwhile, not all ethnic groups are actors of political processes and are present in the political field. In this regard, the study of the determinants in the politicization of ethnic communities appears to be relevant. The article deals with spatial determinants of the politicization of an ethnic group. The hypotheses about the influence of spatial determinants on this process were previously expressed in the field of social studies. It is assumed that the structural geographical characteristics of ethnicity can affect the degree of its political manifestation, in particular with regard to such a parameter as voting for ethnic parties. The regression analysis revealed that politicization of an ethnic group is influenced by the size of the landfill it is dispersed on, the congruence of administrative boundaries and boundaries of the ethnic group, as well as the segregation of the ethnic group in relation to others. Based on the data concerning the states of Central Eastern Europe, the influence of the localization of an ethnic group on its politicization is statistically proven. Thus, the spatial attributes of an ethnic group reveal their significance in studying ethno-political processes. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-3-78-87

Author Biography

Мария Исобчук / Mariya Isobchuk, Perm State University

1st year student of a magistracy, direction "Political Science"


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How to Cite

Mariya Isobchuk М. И. /. (2019). THE PLACE IS SIGNIFICANT: IMPACT OF THE LOCALIZATION OF ETHNIC GROUPS ON THEIR POLITICIZATION IN CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 13(3), 78–87. Retrieved from