Effective Number of Parties: the Case of Austria


  • Иван Суманеев / Ivan Sumaneev Saint Petersburg State University


effective number of parties, party system, Austrian parties


The article deals with the evolution of the Austrian party system in 1999–2013 in terms of the effective number of parties. The roots and evolution of this approach are considered. The effective number of parties is counted for Austria of the period under study with the use of two different formulas. Considering the real changes in the party system of the country, some comments are made regarding the results of the calculation.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/2218-1067-2017-1-199-205

Author Biography

Иван Суманеев / Ivan Sumaneev, Saint Petersburg State University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Ivan Sumaneev И. С. /. (2018). Effective Number of Parties: the Case of Austria. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (1), 199–205. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/1682