New trends in the development of the tatar nationalistic movements in the Republic of Tatarstan


  • Диляра Мурзина / Dilyara Murzina The State technological university of Kazan
  • Валерий Горшунов / Valerii Gorshunov Academy of science of Republic Tatarstan
  • Василь Сакаев / Vasil' Sakaev Academy of science of Republic Tatarstan


Tatar nationalistic movement, crisis, identity, ideology, political activity, radicalization, national symbols


 In the 1990s, the Tatar nationalistic movement turned into a significant factor of regional political processes in the Republic of Tatarstan.However, in the 2000s, the crisis in movement was indicated. The drop in popularity and the reduction in the number of supporters were the manifestations of the crisis. In the 2010s, the Tatar radical nationalistic organizations of the Republic attempted to overcome the internal crisis through modernization of ideas and transformation of methods of promoting and attracting new supporters.The study was aimed at identifying the causes of the crisis and the nature of the transformation processes in the Tatar national movement at the present stage. Expert interviews, participant observation and discourse analysis of the content of the groups in social networks were the methods of the study. The study showed the incompleteness and contradictory nature of the transfor-mation processes in the Tatar nationalistic movement in the Republic of Tatarstan. The transformation processes affected the ideology of the movement, and the at-tempts have been made to add some pan-Turkist and Islamist concepts to it. The processes also affected the methods of the Tatar nationalist movement: nowadays, the activities of the movement are focused on the social media. At the same time, the transformation of ideology and practice of the nationalistic movement has not yet led to a significant increase in the number of supporters.DOI:

Author Biographies

Диляра Мурзина / Dilyara Murzina, The State technological university of Kazan

Assistant professor of The Department of Social and political conflictology

Валерий Горшунов / Valerii Gorshunov, Academy of science of Republic Tatarstan

Senior Researcher

Василь Сакаев / Vasil' Sakaev, Academy of science of Republic Tatarstan

Assistant professor


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How to Cite

Dilyara Murzina Д. М. /, Valerii Gorshunov В. Г. /, & Vasil’ Sakaev В. С. /. (2018). New trends in the development of the tatar nationalistic movements in the Republic of Tatarstan. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 94–108. Retrieved from

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