Practice of ethnic mobilization through John Hutchinson's theory of nationalism (a case study of the Kryashens' movement)


  • Андрей Денисов / Andrey Denisov Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


Aryan myth, John Hutchinson, identity, intellectuals, Kryashens, nationalism, national movements, national symbols, Rodnoverie, ethnic mobilization


The article analyzes John Hutchinson’s theory of nationalism and is the first attempt to study the Kryashens' movement in the light of this theory. The study identifies the key characteristics of the Kryashens' movement (the construct of ethnopolitical mobilization; the initial special role of the Orthodox missionaries; the stages of the alternation of cultural and political nationalism; the features of identity; the special importance of the myth of origin, etc.). DOI:

Author Biography

Андрей Денисов / Andrey Denisov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Research Fellow, Center for Islamic Studies


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How to Cite

Andrey Denisov А. Д. /. (2018). Practice of ethnic mobilization through John Hutchinson’s theory of nationalism (a case study of the Kryashens’ movement). Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 49–61. Retrieved from