city manager; political leader; leadership; candidate selection; competitive procedure; municipalityAbstract
The update of the political discourse on the pros and cons of the city manager model in modern municipal practice initially revealed the problem of competitive selection and appointment to the position of head of the local administration. The study analyzes the appointment of city managers in Russian municipalities as a new channel for political leadership development. The research is based on a questionnaire survey of experts (N=188). Municipal managers were targeted. It is concluded that the importance of professional education of a political leader among the selection criteria for the position of a city manager has decreased. A survey of local leaders shows that the most important qualities for a city manager are leadership, personal qualities, and communication. The evaluation criteria showed that city mayors do not agree with the idea of narrowing the political role of a city manager and professionalizing his activities, especially in the economic sphere. According to experts, political leadership in municipalities should organically reflect such characteristics as support for regional authorities and territorial identification. Including residence in the municipality as a criterion for evaluating candidates can make political leaders seem more legitimate and trustworthy. The research shows that new channels for forming political leaders in municipalities need to be used more effectivelyReferences
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