Invariance of the principles of philosophizing and the uniqueness of philosophical views
philosophy, philosophizing, scientism, ontology, being, existence, attitude, man, worldAbstract
The problematics of the article and the relevance of its topic are conditioned by the fact that at the turn of the XXXXI century two new problems have appeared in the very existence of mankind: 1) man, who is capable of destroying the world and all mankind; 2) the development of digital technologies and artificial intelligence, which have already led to the fact that for man reality has become mediated by virtual reality, which threatens to make the present man an “extra link” in such a virtualized world. A century ago, many saw the future of world philosophy in the development of positivism, empiricism, energeticism, empiriocriticism, and other “isms” associated with scientific knowledge and sociology. However, this future turned out to be not so much the philosophy of science as science itself and the associated techniques and technologies, which fundamentally change the shape of our world and the human being in this world. For this reason, philosophy, without abandoning scientific epistemology, took a different path - phenomenology, philosophical anthropology (human ontology), existentialism, and later postmodernism, which made the problem of the spiritual and corporeal nature of man central. In the conditions of radical transformation of the world, the ontological problematics, which seemed to have been forever in the past, became relevant again. The very subject of philosophy began to be understood not scientistically as “cognition of the most general laws of development of nature, society and thinking”, but ontologically as the relation “Man - World”, but this requires a clear understanding of what is the relation that determines both the invariance of the principles of philosophizing and the uniqueness of philosophical views.References
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