The project of “anticartesian” phenomenology
subjectivity, non-essential phenomenology, material phenomenology, affectation, horizon, event, meaning, sensuous-hyletic schemes, actorAbstract
The article proposes a project for a phenomenological study of subjectivity associated with going beyond its reflexivity and horizontality. The project is being implemented in two opposite directions. The first direction is connected with the complete reduction of subjectivity to the pure semantic structure of the present situation. This is not a phenomenology of being (M.Heidegger, J.L.Marion), but such a "neutralization" of the ego, in which its horizontal structures act as the boundaries of a specific present event of presence, and the objective situation itself unfolds as centered around a local semantic center. This exit to the outer boundary of the phenomenon means the constitution of a non-essential phenomenology. The second direction of the project is aimed at the study of ego affectation, however, unlike other studies (M.Merleau-Ponty, M.Henri, M. Richir, D.Trigg), the project involves the analysis of the event of becoming a cogito by the subject ("Ich"). The Ego is constituted by passive syntheses, the ontological interpretation of which is an event of going beyond the inner boundary of the phenomenon itself and gaining its own subjectivity. This means the constitution of a non-descriptive phenomenology. Within the framework of these two opposite directions of research, such an exit to the internal (material-sensory) and external (subject-semantic) boundary provides a holistic description of subjectivity as an ontological phenomenon. In this case, the semantic constitution of integral (complete) subjectivity is set by the assemblage point of the event actor, the correlates of time, the topology of the circle of existence, and the law of reverse reflection expresses the possibility of ontological conversion and return to classical phenomenology.References
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