The ural philosophical-anthropological school and the study of the great crises of industrial capitalism in the footsteps of the late K. Marx


  • Vasily G. Koltashov



late Marx, Ural philosophical-anthropological school, medium crisis, major crisis, major cyclicality, long waves, waves of development, industrial capitalism, Marx, casus 1873, political economy


The 20th century left as a legacy to science many questions regarding the philosophy of Marxism. A studies of the Ural philosophical-anthropological school showed that K. Marx had a different view that did not coincide with the ideas of the Soviet and Western tendencies of Marxism. This made it possible to make great progress in political economy. In 1873, an unexpectedly early and too protracted economic crisis began in the world. It ended only in 1880. This phenomenon attracted the attention of K. Marx. But it became possible to study this and similar major crises only after statistical material had been accumulated. The article examines the theoretical model of the great crisis of industrial capitalism in comparison with the model of the average crisis. It is shown how a major crisis develops, what problems it solves, why it has such a long and deep character, and what its wave nature is connected with. A definition of a major crisis is given and its place in the process of wave economic development is graphically shown. As a result of the study, the following major crises were identified: 1772–1783, 1810–1820, 1848–1851, 1873–1880, 1899–1904, 1929–1933, 1948–1954, 1973–1982 and 2008–2020. The article gives a brief description of each of them, highlighting: the peculiarities of the development of the crisis and the turn it produced, and the acquired foundations of economic growth.

Author Biography

Vasily G. Koltashov

Economist, director of the Institute of a New Society


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